
Team Building Kit PLUS BONUSES

Original price was: $211.00.Current price is: $97.00.

SKU: 28B Category:


How to work in a team and feel good at work, a 24-hour course
Teamwork is gold work as a people that can coexist with each other in harmony are the ones that tend to be more efficient, less stressed, and comfortable with their surroundings. This course answers the essential questions of how to build that chemistry and create a positively charged work environment. It teaches how to make your employees and colleagues think like a team instead of in the ‘’every man for himself’’ way. After all, two heads are smarter than one and benefiting each other instead of trying to shred co-workers to pieces is less time and energy consuming!

Manners are important. Especially when you are in public or with your team. Improve your skills and show them off in a group setting through your bonus treasure box that contains some valuable knowledge. A bit of this and that so you can always improve yourself and be proud of who you are!

● The huge package titled ‘’24 Hr. Teambuilding Training Kit’’ features a 100 slide PowerPoint flash course as well as an 80-page PDF ebook(‘’24 Hr. Teambuilding’’) and a workbook of 33 pages.
● In addition to the basic contents, two publications that further explore life in a business environment are included. A PDF titled ‘’Improving Your Self-Esteem in the Workplace’’ of 5 pages and a ‘’Who is Good or Superior Manager’’ of 5 pages
● The vast package touches on various points within the wide subject of Team building, from good management to feeling good individually and working in a team harmonically
● There are four PDF files and one PowerPoint presentation in the kit. All of them can be downloaded and viewed on multiple devices
● All you need to do is find a printer and make it work to acquire hard copies
● For better results copy the PowerPoint course flash file to CD/DVD and not a flash drive.


+ Young Entrepreneur Passion and Purpose.pdf
+ How to Eat Bread.mp4
+ Handling Unpleasant Food.mp4
+ Eating Spaghetti Correctly.wav