
Two Mini Courses How to Hold Glassware and Toasting and Time Management – WOMEN PLUS BONUSES

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Toasts, glasses, and time, a how-to for a busy businesswoman
There are as many ways to toast as there are cultures in the world. Do you know all the tips and tricks of how to appropriately hold a glass? Etiquette is a very slippery subject as there are people who take it very seriously as well as others who just do not mind. But it is always better to be on the safe side and know the correct way. Learn how to act properly at a table with important guests through our course and, in addition, study the best time management ways. Plan a party efficiently, save time on your daily tasks and always be spot on. Most importantly, have time for yourself. Make a toast on it!

● The throughout package covers two important subjects. A ‘’How to Hold Glassware and Toasting’’ and a ‘’Time Management’’. Both of the files are 40 slide PowerPoint flash courses that can help you acquire vital knowledge
● There are many aspects of manners at the dinner table. For those flawless encounters, we touch on one of the more important parts, the toasts and glass holding.
● Through this kit, learn to spend less time on business while still delivering the same, great results. Have time for yourself and fill your days with activities that you love.
● Both of the files can be downloaded and opened with any device that supports PDF
● You can print the lessons and keep them as hard copies.


+ Choosing Right Hobby No11_.pdf
+ Body Mind Spirit Balanced.jpg


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